How ExamTools Works

Overview of the ExamTools system

ExamTools is designed to make administering Amateur Radio exams a more modernized and streamlined process used for in person and fully remote exam sessions. Tests can be administered in a web browser on a computer or tablet, manually graded on paper, or graded by a laptop or smartphone camera using GradeCam™️ grading software.

User Types

Users of ExamTools are broken into 4 different groups

  • Candidate - Candidates are people taking exams. They will log in through a different portal to be presented exams to take, and not see the session management information
  • Team Lead - Team Leads or Owners as they are called in ET are VEs that are authorized by the VEC to manage exam sessions. In the ExamTools system, they are able to create and edit session information, add and remove Volunteer Examiners from the session manifest, edit candidate information as needed, and export all session documents for submission to the VEC.
  • Co-Owner - A Co-Owner can do everything that a Owner can with the exception of creating the session. Once the session is created the Co-Owner can edit it. A VE will need to have Co-Owner permissions in order to add/remove VEs in a session and mark applicants complete. Both are simple tasks, but require a higher level of permissions.
  • VE Admin - VE Admins are assistants to the Team Lead at a session. They can help assign other VEs to candidates and edit candidate information as needed.
  • Volunteer Examiners - VEs are standard users in the system. They are responsible for starting and stopping exams and signing candidate exams.